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findfreya [at]
︎ @visions_________ 


VISIONS is an independent producing company led by Freya Waterson, practicing across the world from Naarm (Melbourne), Australia. Working across scale, context, form and genre to support some of Australia's most ambitious contemporary artists and companies to create new work, and helping guide projects from inception through to production and presentation.

Established in 2015, VISIONS provides a niche, agile and economical support structure for independent artists, as well as high level strategic market development, organisational and project support for small-medium companies, government and institutions. VISIONS is committed to investigating alternative models of working to facilitate sustainable pathways for independent artists by supporting them to create ambitious projects, and present their work beyond Australia.

VISIONS has a strong focus on international engagement and Freya has facilitated the presentation of almost 100 performance seasons in 22 countries. Freya is a sought after international engagment and marketplace advisor with expertise across Europe, Asia and North America. VISIONS’ work across scale, context and form has provided a platform to initiate research, collaboration and advocate for idiosyncratic expressions of independent practice. 

About Freya

Prior to starting VISIONS, Freya previously held roles with presenting organisations in the UK and Australia, working in music, performance, film and muldisciplinary contexts for organisations including Sheffield Doc/Fest, Insite Arts, Melbourne Fringe, London Film Festival, Hide&Seek, Arts House, the Australian Circus & Physical Theatre Association and Aurora Nova. From 2010-2015, as Executive Producer for Insite Arts, she produced the Australia Council’s MAPS Victoria program, delivering  development, presentation and touring for numerous independent artists. During this time, she was also an Associate Producer of Hobart's MONA FOMA (2011 & 12). From 2019-2021, Freya was Senior Producer for Chunky Move, appointed alongside the Directors to co-lead the company. 

Freya is a planning team member for the Asian Producers Platform and sits on Chamber Made's Artistic Advisory. 

Supported by

Freya was a recipient of the 2023-24 Playking Foundation Independent Producers Fellowship.

Freya was a recipient of a 3-year capacity building grant from Creative Victoria's Victorian Independent Producers Initiative to support VISIONS from 2021 - 2023.